Sunday, September 18, 2005


SummerWorld went to TOKYO

TOKYO is the capital city of Japan.

why did i go to Tokyo, which is very far from Akita...

i went to Tokyo to take TOEFL exam...
... ... ...since i would like to study abroad next feburuary, i have to 550 points, which is required for the students, who study abroad from next semester

i am not sure about the result, but it is fact that i had studies much harder than any time.

all i can do is just prey god for having required points!!


to tell the truth, i have been there just three times; when i was 15 yrs as a school trip, forwaiting connecting flight, and this time.

therefore, Tokyo is the fantastic city

many people, high building, complex and useful access....

if i wrote every event in Tokyo, it takes a lot of space and time ><

i'll just mention where i went ...

9/17 9/18
Haneda Airport Shinjyuku
PRONTO (for lunch) Harajyuku
Pearl Hotel in Kayabachoh Meiji Jingu
Kayabachoh Tower Building shibuya
Tokyo Station Haneda Airport

tokyo is fantastic city!! as i said before

i would like to visit the city as tourist, Never as an examnee!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Home Work


how are you today!?

it is cloudy today

in addition (?), i've never finished my homework for this weekend ><

what should i do!?

i have just one anser... to do my homework...

so have a nice day☆

Friday, September 09, 2005


Good Morning!

it is Saturday today!

what a beautiful day!!

it is because...

1. we have no class today and tomorrow

2. beautiful sunny day

i wanna enjoy today☆

however, i have a lot of homework as usual ><

the best way for me is...

to finish the homework as soon as possible → enjoy this happy weekend

↑this is always the idealistic weekend for me while it is very difficult for me to make it real ><


Blood Donation

i have some hobbies.

as you know, playing the trombone is one of them

it is first time for me to tell you my secret(?) hobby...

it is ... BLOOD DONATION!!

many people are afraid of blood donation, but if you think that my blood may help people's lives, you can be satisfied by blood donation

in addition, people, who do blood donation, can have free sweets or juice.

if it takes a long time for donating, we can see movie or TV program

these above are the part of the reason why i like blood donation

actually, i wanted to do it today, because i have another schedule to go to the downtown of Akita City, where i have blood donation station,

however, through themedical examinaition by interview, i cannot donate my blood, because i traveled Taiwan this summer vacation.

according to the nurse, people, who went to abroad with four weeks, cannot donate their blood.

to tell the truth, i came back to Japan from Taiwan on August 13,

so it is within four weeks... ><

the nurse said to me "please come here after September 11"

it is September 9th today... just a little deference!!!

it is not so easy for me to go to downtown><

i am frustrated after the event><

i have to wait next chance

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


TOEFL registration

I would like to take TOEFL test for my study abroad.

so i wanna registrate for the test!

however, i cannot do that though i can successfully access the proper webpage!


my challenge will be continued...

Saturday, September 03, 2005


BirthDay Party

I have a great news today

two of my friends held a petit BirthDay Party for me!!

they gave me ice cream, which was decorated by cookies.

they also gave me a glass dish and a special spoon for ice cream!
I am so glad, because ice cream is my favorite sweet.

In addition, i am very happy that they remember my birthday

most of the case, it is slightly difficult to remember my birthday since the day August 17 (my birthday) is about the middle day of summer vacation in Japan

thank you very much!

i never forget this day and my happiness!

Friday, September 02, 2005


Today's Event!

There were two major events today

1. Tea Party with new students!

...we talked with new students (Japanese & International), drink (juice or tea...not alcohole><), and eat a lot of sweets (mainly Japanese sweets).
...i ate and drink a lot!! in addition, i brought some sweets to my room in order to have them when i feel hungry

2. Badminton Practice!

...this is the first practice in this semester. there are almost full members today's practice so i was so grad that i kept high-tention!!

moreover, i have new friend thanks to my hobbyb Badminton
she is Mongolian student and very good at badminton and speaking english. i expect her also to be a good japanse speaker.
i think we'll be good friends☆

oh, i cannot one of the most important event!

...LISTENING TO MUSIC... music square ←one of the most favorite radio progrm for me.
from this progrm i know new music and new musicians!

Thursday, September 01, 2005



it is the day for registration!

we have to think deeply about next semester.

actually, i had decided what subjects i will take, but i noticed that my previous plan was not suitable for my future plan><

when i noticed this shocking fact, it was about 8:00!!

i have to act as soon as possible

what a busy day tomorrow will be

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